Port of Dance
Festival suvremenog plesa Port of Dance nastao je kao nasljeđe riječkog Spring Forward Festivala koji se održao u sklopu projekta Rijeka 2020 – Europska prijestolnica kulture.
Festival nastoji riječkoj publici, uz domaću plesnu produkciju, ponuditi recentnu produkciju međunarodnih suvremenih plesnih predstava.
Uz klasične scenske nastupe, Port of Dance od 2022. godine uvodi i dio programa posvećen nastupima transponiranim u VR tehnologiju.
Značajan partner festivala je Aerowaves, plesna mreža iz čijeg se portfelja svake godine predstavljaju minimalno 3 odabrana autora.
Cilj festivala je edukacija i razvoj šire publike izvedbenih umjetnosti.
Contemporary dance festival Port of Dance represents a legacy of the Spring Forward Festival in Rijeka, which was held as a part of the Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture project.
The festival tries to offer the local Rijekaʼs audience a recent production of contemporary international dance performances along with local dance productions.
Since 2022, in addition to live stage performances, the Port of Dance a part of the program has been dedicated to performances translated into VR technology.
The festival has an important partner in Aerowaves, a dance network from whose portfolio a minimum of three authors are presented every year.
The festival’s goal is to educate and develop a wider audience of performing arts.
Program 2025. / Programme 2025
Bojana Robinson & Gyula Cserepes (SLO/HU): Seagulls Take Off Early
19:00 / Porto Baroš
Bojana Robinson & Gyula Cserepes (SLO/HU): Seagulls Take Off Early
19:00 / Porto Baroš
Ginevra Panzetti & Enrico Ticconi – Studio za suvremeni ples (I/HR): ALL’ARME
21:00 / HKD
Simona Deaconescu & Vanessa Goodman (RO/CAN): BLOT
21:00 / HKD
Yotam Peled & Free Radicals (DE): Where The Boys Are
17:00 / Construction Technical High School (sports hall)
Bucharest International Dance Film Festival
dance films screening
20:00 / HKD
Yotam Peled & Free Radicals (DE): Where The Boys Are
12:00 / Građevinska tehnička škola (sportska dvorana)
Armin Hokmi (DE): Shiraz
20:00 / HKD